“Keep Your Head Up” Song Sync

Hello Beautiful Souls, (This post was supposed to make it out on Monday, February 22, but life, children and tantrums got in the way.) I truly hope you had a wonderful week and weekend, and were able to do something for you. My Monday morning started off interesting as I haven’t had a vivid songContinue reading ““Keep Your Head Up” Song Sync”

“Stand Your Ground” Messages for the Collective

Hello Beautiful Souls, I truly hope you have had a wonderful week thus far and a Happy Thanksgiving to my American neighbours. I am popping in with a song sync message and a couple of cards. I received the message for the collective while partaking in my daily practice of sending reiki to my twinContinue reading ““Stand Your Ground” Messages for the Collective”

Twin Flame Collective Messages

Hello Beautiful Souls I hope you had a lovely weekend and safe halloween weekend. Today or rather tonight I have a twin flame reading, and decided to try my hand once more at a video. I been guided to push myself out of my comfort zone more and do videos. So please bare with meContinue reading “Twin Flame Collective Messages”

Musical Messages from the Masculines

Hello Beautiful Souls, Just popping in to share a quick message from the divine masculines. I was doing reiki this morning and I kept hearing the song “You are the reason” by CalumScott, I have added the lyrics below as they are very powerful and really speak of whats going on for the masculine. “YouContinue reading “Musical Messages from the Masculines”

Divine Feminine and Masculine Reading

Hello Beautiful Souls  I was guided to pull a few cards for the twin flame collective using a few different oracle and tarot deck, I used the Angel Therapy Deck for the first card, which validated the direction of the reading. From there I was guided to use The Psychic Tarot for the Heart byContinue reading “Divine Feminine and Masculine Reading”